Turkish Investors visit to Chamber of Commerce – April 19, 2012

Turkish Cultural Center Vermont (TCCVT), Turkish American Business Improvement and Development Council New England (TABID New England), Atilim Businessmen Union (ATILIM) visited Vermont Chamber of Commerce President Tom Torti. In the meeting where investment opportunities in Vermont State were presented to the TABID New England and ATILIM management staff, the possible investment opportunities were evaluated. In the meeting Vermont State Economy Director Brent Raymond coined the good relations between the United States and Turkey. Raymond recognized the businessmen delegation of this size hosting the first time in Vermont and referred to the strategic and economic importance of Turkey in the region. In the meeting, Gail Stevenson, the International Council president stated their intention to improve the relations between Vermont and Turkey. The spokesman on behalf of IVIAD Mr. Latif Adali, said that their intention is to improve economic, educational and cultural relationships between Vermont and Turkey and invited Chamber of Commerce president and management council to visit Turkey. President mentioned their visit as a notable start for further good relations between Vermont and Turkey and whished that this relationship continues.

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